Sunday, August 13, 2006

High ankle sprain for Crayton

Originally posted by burmafrd from a sports forum:

According to Spags. I just about wish he had broken the thing instead.
I hope they put a hard cast on it and give it a full month. Because everything else they tried short of that did not work for JJ last year.
What is the treatment for a high ankle sprain?
Syndesmotic injuries tend not to heal as well as more common ankle sprain, that is why trainers and coaches of athletes are often concerned about "high ankle sprains." Your orthopedic doctor will first determine if the injury is stable or unstable. If the injury is stable, then the high ankle sprain can be treated in a cast, usually for a period of 6 weeks.
If the injury is unstable, then a "syndesmotic screw" can be placed between the tibia and fibula to hold the bones in proper position while the syndesmotic ligament heals. The are several methods of fixation of syndesmotic injuries, all with potential risks and benefits. It is a relatively safe and well-tolerated surgical procedure. Patients will have the screw in place for about 3 months while the syndesmotic ligament heals. Patients should understand that if they walk on the leg while the syndesmotic screw is in their leg (even after the ligament has healed) the screw can break. The reason for this is that there is normally some motion between these bones when people walk. Therefore, some doctors prefer a second operation to remove the sydensmotic screw before allowing the patient to walk. Other doctors will leave the screw in and allow it to possibly break. The reason being that there are few reported problems with the broken screw. Either way, you can talk with your doctor about this if you need to have surgery for a high ankle sprain.