Sunday, June 21, 2009

CBS11 Blog: Steve Dennis on Cowboys

Jun 20, 2009 11:35 AM

Posted by CBS11
Steve Dennis

---At Cowboys mini-camp this past week, I found TONY ROMO to be relaxed, playful, insightful, committed, more accountable, considerably less guarded, and most importantly, more serious about his role as the potential top leader on the team.

---Man, it was good to see RICH BEHM out at mini-camp practices this past week. That's all I can muster...just damn good to see him.

---I heard somebody make the argument on sportstalk radio this week...if we really don't expect WADE PHILLIPS to he promised in December...then why should we expect TONY ROMO to change? The host argued its the same thing. I say...WRONG. Wade is sixty-something and has coached in the NFL for thirty-something years. Tony is a growing, maturing 29 year old player. Change is necessary for him...impossible for Wade.