Friday, March 10, 2006

RUMOR: Players scheduled to visit Dallas...

Originally posted by Midswat from a sport forum:

From Playmaker at KFFL. FWIW...
OK, here is the short list of players that have been requested to come in for a visit. A couple of them will obviously have to wait to be released before they can schedule.

1) Adam Vinateari - Although the Patriots have increased their offer, he is still wanting to see what is out there for him.

2) LeCharles Bentley - Word is that he has scheduled 2 stops before us. Jacksonville and Philly

3) Antwan Randle El - He also has 2 stops before coming in, Philly and Washington

4) Jason Fabini - I have learned that he is in Dallas taking physicals right now

5) Ryan Longwell - He is a first stop for us, trying to schedule Saturday 3/11

6) Willie McGinest - He was released late last night and is going to be pursued by several others.

7) Chris Hope - He is almost assuredly to return to Pittsburgh, but will make the rounds.

*** I have also learned that if and when T.O gets released, his first stop will be to Dallas and expect us to push hard to sign him before he leaves.